James Hewitt, Grade 6 teacher at Chinook Park School.
“Wakefield – a mentor and incredible voice in the classroom. Let me explain why… “
To bring Wakefield into your class is to bring a voice for social justice, social awareness, and empowerment for all students. He is a lifechanging presenter who animates real world issues in a way that students can relate to. He captivates and mesmerizes with his words, and he leaves everyone realizing their part to play in the betterment of our world.
I have had the privilege of working with Wakefield during four separate week-long workshops in my grade six classes over the years. Believe me, if you bring him in once, you will bring him in again. Every time he comes he has students held in wonder. The wonder lasts for an hour, continues long after he has gone, only to begin again the following morning.
Like so many teachers, I had often wondered how to engage students in sensitive discussions about racial equality, about equal opportunity, and about valuing a level playing field for all in a growingly diverse and beautiful society. Perhaps most importantly, I wondered how to help students realize their role in promoting goodness and compassion around them.
What I have come to realize after working so often with Wakefield, is how much I have benefited and grown as a teacher from his words. He has enhanced my ability to think critically, and to live my role of bringing our society together in understanding and compassion. I wish to spread that to all of you who may be reading.
We all have a part to play in making our society great; that part depends on compassion and understanding, on reflecting and wondering, and on asking difficult questions and having inspiring conversations. Wakefield walks you and your students through all of it in such a masterful and delicate way, as to leave you nearly breathless with wonder.
I urge you to get in touch with Wakefield, perhaps for a classroom workshop, perhaps for a day of guest speaking, or perhaps, as was the case for me, to help you teach the ever-daunting poetry unit for language arts! Oh, I forgot to mention that within one week, Wakefield has every student in your class passionately writing and reciting poetry. I couldn’t believe it either.
Thank you, Wakefield, for being an inspiration to young minds, and a voice for the people of all walks of life. My former students speak of you to this day, and my future students don’t yet realize how lucky they are to have your workshop ahead of them.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
James Hewitt
Grade 6 teacher at Chinook Park School