Jennifer Nikitin Visual Artist / Artistic Facilitator
Wakefield Brewster.
This person, this topic, this experience is one that each individual should experience in their life; they don’t have to love or understand the form, the message, the stance, but they will be better for the experience, for the lessons, for the understanding of who they are and for participating.
I have worked with Wakefield within three worlds of the artistic realm, watched his interaction with youth, and on a personal friendship level.
Wakefield is an incredible artist, who takes his form of poetry and creates an audio experience which visually and emotionally brings a message across that makes everyone stop and think. To stand in a room and listen to his words, and to understand the experiences through his life that have brought him to the place where he can express them is inspirational.
It is this ability that allows the youth to stop and listen, to think, and to react. The youth of Canada need this interaction, they need to know they are being listened to and respected.
Is there a better way to reach a youth then through poetic rap form, this is the medium they respond to in music, it is a medium that is familiar. The need to be respected and in turn give respect is paramount and through discussion and creativity this can be delivered.
My daughter had to write a paper for her grade 10 English class at Digby Regional High School, it had to be on a writer of poetry, she chose Wakefield Brewster to do this paper.
She read out loud one of his slam poetry pieces, her class was excited, and her teacher inspired. This is the reaction that we seek in our kids, to be excited and inspired by life, by learning, by experiencing, by living; we want this in our youth’s current lives and future lives.
The programs / experiences Wakefield is offering the youth within the Board of Education is one that will reach those children who need it most, not based on literary ability or attention span or on any labels that have been so permanently fixed on each child's ability, but on their ability to feel to think and to represent these thoughts and feelings.
Having worked with high-risk youth in Nova Scotia for 8 years I have experienced the need for diversity in programming and the need for the youth to be heard.
Wakefield Brewster brings both these elements into his workshops, and I can not imagine for a minute that you will not see the benefits not only to the students but also to the teachers.
Thank you,
Jennifer Nikitin
Visual Artist / Artistic Facilitator
Toronto, Ontario