Julie Hiner
March 15, 2020
To: Calgary Arts Development
Re: Calgary Poet Laureate Nominee Wakefield Brewster
To whom it may concern,
Please consider the following recommendation regarding Wakefield Brewster as a nominee for the Calgary Poet Laureate.
I have had the sincere pleasure of meeting Wakefield at the writer’s unplugged open mic at the Owl’s Nest (local Calgary bookstore in support of local authors). As a local author, I attend the writer’s unplugged regularly and participate in volunteer readings. I was blessed with the opportunity to see Wakefield perform two readings at the February (2020) event, which was a special tribute night to Black History Month. In regard to both of his readings, he generously volunteered his time to support an event dedicated to local authors and poets in the following manners:
Preparation and practice of a collaboration reading with another poet
Preparation and practice of a solo reading, authored by himself
Time to attend and perform both readings
With regards to the performance of both readings, I witnessed the following:
His performances are infused with passion and deliver a strong message
He has a strong ability to craft articulate, creative and meaningful poetry
He has an amazing voice, a unique message and an outstanding ability to deliver
His performances were moving and inspiring
I was so inspired by his performances that I was filled with motivation to continue attending open mic sessions and better my own reading craft. I was equally inspired to up my own game in terms of the quality of writing and delivery of message in my own work.
Wakefield Brewster is also a teacher at the Alexandra Writing Centre Society (AWCS), which is a volunteer driven and invaluable resource for myself, as for many of my fellow author friends/colleagues. Without the contributions of talented individuals such as Wakefield, and the willingness of such people to give of their time, bettering my own craft would not be as accessible and achievable.
Please consider Wakefield Brewster for the Calgary Poet Laureate. He is a powerful gem that would shine much light on the writing community of Calgary.
Thank you,
Julie Hiner
587-227-9366; powerpuffjd@gmail.com