Ms. Karina Ramdath Community Development Facilitator Centre For Newcomers

Centre For Newcomers

“Welcoming People From Around the World”

125, 920 36th St. N.E.

Calgary, Albert

Telephone: 403-569-3325

Facsimile: 404-248-5041

Ms. Karina Ramdath

Community Development Facilitator

Attention: Wakefield Brewster

Re: Poetry Workshop

Dear Wakefield:

The Youth Possibility Program would like to thank you for the wonderful workshop that you co-delivered with poet Kirk Ramdath. As you know, the Youth Possibility Program is a six-month life and employability program for at risk minority, immigrant and aboriginal youth.

On September 15, 2006 you co-facilitated a 2.0 hour poetry workshop for 20 participants at our agency. The workshop included defining poetry and poet, delivering examples of word usage in poetry, reading some of your own work  and co-facilitating a poetry workshop and reading session with the program participants.

I would like to thank you for co-developing such a wonderful workshop, and for encouraging the participants to use their creativity and their voice.

Best Regards,

Karina Ramdath

Community Development Facilitator

**(note: Wakefield Brewster has on other occasions volunteered his time to perform the same type of workshop as a solo Poet/Spoken Word Artist)**

Adetola Adedipe

Nigerian-South African Spoken word artist, poet and brand designer. My goal is to help independent artist and arts organisations bridge the gap between art and business through intentional, storytelling design and business strategies.

Ms. Katherine Parrish Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute English Department


Julie Hiner