Tracy Munroe
To whom it may concern:I am honored to be writing this letter on behalf of Wakefield Brewster. Our family has gotten to know Wakefield over the last few years. I first met Wakefield through our community Kids Club. Wakefield volunteered his time to bring poetry and spoken word to the kids. This was an amazing 14 weeks! We were lucky enough to directly benefit from this extraordinary opportunity. It was very clear early on that Mr. Brewster was going to have a significant impact.
Mr. Brewster has the ability to reach people. He also has the ability to awaken people. He has a natural gift that I have seen him use and positively affect many different people. He can reach people on their level. I have witnessed him interact with children that are very different from one another yet he has this ability to “meet them” where they are.
I remember sitting at their first performance ... .it was amazing. I was awe struck.I saw such great things change and blossom in these children. Confidence, self-esteem and sense of purpose were just some o fthe things I saw right before my eyes. These newly acquired skills were and will forever be so very valuable. These children were truly inspired and inspiring at the same time.
Wakefield Brewster pours himself into whatever he does. I have witnessed this first hand. He has an incredible gift that allows people he comes in contact with to realize potential and then to use that potential to make a difference.
Our family has been blessed by knowing Wakefield. He unknowingly came into our lives at a very dark time. Our daughter was in a very dark place. I watched her go from wanting her life to end to being awakened. She had a sense of purpose that we thought we had lost. For this I am truly grateful.
I believe that Mr. Brewster would be incredible in any endeavour he chooses to pursue. He is one of those few people who is “all in”. His commitment to these endeavours is fierce. I hope that many others can benefit from Wakefield’s many talents.
Tracy Munroe