Lindsay Cummings Grade 9 student

To Calgary Arts Development selection committee,

I am writing on behalf of Wakefield Brewster regarding the position of the Calgary Poet Laureate artistic ambassador for our city. Wakefield visited my school two years ago for a workshop, and I have looked up to him ever since. During that short time, I got a good taste of his talent, hard work and incredible abilities.

Even in a group of youth, Wakefield made sure that we all found our poetic potential. Many fellow peers who I know had no interest in poetry came out feeling inspired and excited to write. He treated everyone like we were special and made sure we all knew that we had the potential to be a great artist.

Throughout that week, Wakefield showed us many of his poems, and explained his creative process. There’s nothing more magical than being in that room when he brings his poems to life. Everyone in the room is instantly blown away. Not only does he have undeniable talent, but he really makes sure to support every person in the room. It’s impossible not to see how much he genuinely cares about everyone throughout his constant high fives and bright energy.

Personally, I’ve always been quite interested in poetry, but I never knew quite how to express my thoughts into a poem. On the last day of the workshop, I remember him going into the hallway with every individual student, and going through their ideas. When I told him about mine, he was so supportive and truly made me feel like I could do anything. Wakefield inspired me to write that poem and several more. This year, I took those poems to competitions, and ended up winning regionals and coming second in provincials. I truly believe that without his support and inspiration, I wouldn’t have been able to realize my potential and write those poems. I plan on continuing my poetry, and constantly think of that week whenever I need some confidence.

I truly believe that Wakefield Brewster should be Calgary Poet Laureate due to his pure connection and empathy to everyone around him, as well as his talent of poetry and helping those around him realize their potential. He is truly special, and I cannot fully explain how positively he has impacted my life.


Lindsay Cummings


Lisa Bondt and Benjamin Andrew


Tracy Munroe